School Uniform
We belong at Buckfastleigh . . .
We firmly believe that how a child dresses affects his/her attitude to learning and behaviour. At Buckfastleigh we would like our children to take pride in their appearance to give them a sense of belonging. Our school uniform is smart and practical.
At Buckfastleigh Primary School, we expect our children to wear uniform for the following reasons:
- To contribute to the sense of belonging to our school family.
- To give children an identity related to our school.
- To promote pride in our school.
- To present the best image of the school to other schools and the community.
- To help parents avoid conflict over dress and reduce cost.
- To minimise risks to health and safety.
The uniform consists of:
- A plain white polo shirt
- Sky blue polo shirt (Year 6 pupils ONLY)
- Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan - with school logo (optional). Plain unbranded navy versions can be worn.
- Grey or black school trousers, shorts or skirt (no combat trousers, tracksuits, leggings or jeans)
- Lined waterproof coat or fleece with a school logo (optional). Fleeces will only be allowed to be worn as outdoor coats. Indoors, children will need a jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan.
- Plain dark or white socks/black, navy or grey tights
- Black sturdy shoes – no trainers
Summer (After Easter to October half term) - Blue and white checked summer dress, plain grey or black smart shorts
- Summer - Plain closed toed sandals
- Hair – Plain hairbands. No ‘party’ hair accessories, including hair colour
- Jewellery – watch and ear studs are permitted. No other jewellery
- Nail varnish – not permitted
We ask that long hair is tied back particularly for PE and games lessons
PE Kit
This should be in school every day. It is helpful if it can be kept in a separate, named bag.
- Trainers or plimsolls with non-marking soles
- Navy shorts and t-shirt are provided by the school and kept in school
- Navy tracksuit for the colder months
Swimming kit is also needed during the Summer Term.
To order uniform
Our labelled uniform suppliers are School Trends and Tesco and they both operate an online ordering system where uniform is sent directly to parents. Please view their websites to look at the choice of uniform available and to place your order. There are differences in prices between the two suppliers and they also offer slightly different optional extras eg. dresses, trousers, coats, water bottles, PE kit-in-a-bag etc.
Please ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name.
Every term we have boxes of unmarked and unclaimed ‘lost property’. Please help us reduce this!
For School Trends please visit:
For my uniform please visit:
If you are not purchasing branded labelled items other retailers or second hand shops can be used providing they match the requested colours as stated above.
We have a swap shop available where unwanted items that are in a good condition can be donated. If you require an item why not take a look at our second hand rail.