In line with the National Curriculum, at Buckfastleigh we aim to provide a PE curriculum that enables pupils to:
- Develop their physical literacy.
- Experience, enjoy and promote competence in a broad range of physical activities to support the development of their health, fitness and wellbeing.
- Have opportunities to compete in sports and other physically demanding activities within school, after school and within the wider community.
- Participate in physical activity which takes into account individual interests and needs.
- Understand the importance of living healthy, active lives and how we can do this.
- Be physically active for sustained periods of time to support them in becoming physically confident and competent.
- Develop important values such as working as a team player, good sportsmanship, respect and motivation.
- Facilitate and support pupils in becoming comfortable and confident in the water and achieve the goals set out in the National Curriculum
Children will experience two hours of high-quality PE teaching each week. Teachers model and support the development of a positive attitude towards PE learning and physical activity through the delivery of Arena schemes of work in line with the National Curriculum. This scheme provides overarching unit expectations as well as individual lesson expectations and suggested activities to achieve these, but teachers are able to adapt these to suit the needs of their class and individual pupils. PE lessons are adapted through the use of the STEPs principle (Space, Task, Equipment and People).
We also supplement some of our PE curriculum with high-quality coaching to support children’s skill progression and opportunity to access sport and physical activities they may not otherwise experience. Through observation and team teaching, we utilise the sports coach to further teachers’ subject knowledge.
Teacher’s assessment of PE takes place through observation during lessons and utilises the Arena Gold, Silver and Bronze ratings every lesson to establish the children that are confident and those that need more support. Staff are supported with this through CPD from external specialists and the PE coordinator. Information is then shared with the next class teacher to support and inform their planning and any adaptations or re-teaching that may be required.
In addition to weekly PE lessons, through our Dartmoor School Sports Partnership we offer 4 impact days throughout the course of the year. This is an opportunity for children to participate in sports and physical activities and teachers to work alongside an external specialist, progressing the skills of pupils and staff.
Children have opportunities to practise skills in a variety of ways and each lesson builds upon the previous skills. Teachers ensure sufficient lesson time to repeat and embed these skills. Different skills are recapped throughout and across the years, progressing and developing their confidence and competence in order to appropriately and accurately apply them in different activities and sports.
Children participate in swimming lessons, supported by a trained swimming teacher and in groups appropriate for their ability to ensure they get the necessary teaching to progress towards the national curriculum goals. Water safety is discussed in all year groups in an age-appropriate way to support children developing confidence in and around water and understand what to do in certain situations.
We offer a wide range of sporting after-school clubs run by staff and outside agencies, including Arena and Premier Sports. These clubs provide
Children with access to a wide range of sporting activities and a taste at sports and activities they may not otherwise experience. The clubs are changed once a half-term and cater to a range of abilities. Utilising our partnerships with WEST and Dartmoor School Sports, a range of inter-and intra-events run throughout the school year, giving children opportunities to take part in competitive sports and a variety of physically-demanding activities.